Learn what 7CSC can do for you...

Seventh College Student Council (7CSC) members are Seventh College students dedicated to representing the student body on committees, through programming, and in decision making at the College and University level. Meet the students representing Seventh College and learn more about their responsibilities.

We were founded in 2021...

...and our journey since then has been nothing short of remarkable. The Seventh College Student Council is wholeheartedly devoted to crafting new traditions for Seviies while also providing steadfast support to the community. Setting off with a triumphant start, we clinched victory in the UnOlympics during the past year.

One of our significant endeavors was tackling the elevator crisis head-on through the establishment of E.S.C.A.P. (Elevator Special Committee for Advocacy and Petition). 

With the collaborative efforts of the Spirit Board, Events Board, and our dedicated representatives, a plethora of enjoyable events graced our calendar. Among our favorites are the vibrant Spirit Week, the intellectually stimulating Sustainability Jeopardy Night, the insightful Meet the Reps gathering, the sincere Commuter Appreciation Day, and a myriad of other captivating occasions that have added vibrancy to our journey.    

Meet your 7CSC representatives!


Maya Chang, President


The President serves as the speaker and official representative of the 7CSC and the Seventh College Student Body.  

Umi Steinwachs, VP Internal


Coordinates member training and retreats and  council collaborations. Serves as chair of the Internal committee. 

Jheel Gandhi, VP External


Coordinates the appointments process for all non-elected positions. Serves as chair of External committee.  

Alyson Otañez, Secretary


Maintains the 7CSC website, agendas, attendance, and meeting minutes as the public record of Council. 

Ethan O'Keefe, Treasurer


Drafts and oversees the annual budget. Serves as chair of the Finance committee which meets biweekly. 

Ryan Dagamac, Director of Events


Responsible for oversight, production, and marketing of student centered events; Chairs Events Board on 7CSC.  

Kaitlyn Celis, Director of Spirit


Dedicated to the enhancement of Seventh College and Triton spirit; Chairs the Spirit Board on 7CSC.

Lauren Gumarang, Parliamentarian


Ensures that meetings operate according to parliamentary procedure and in accordance with 7CSC rules + procedures.

Adrian Ibarra, Judicial Board Chair


Leads the Judicial Board, which hears and decides on matters of procedural violations, conduct, and impeachments.

Kieran Matsuoka, DEI Advocate


Ensuring that 7CSC conducts business in a way that is supportive of the DEI principles.

Lavanya Arora, Sustainability Advocate


Ensures that the Seventh community is respectful and supportive of environmental sustainability.

Cecelia Thomsak, Environmental Justice Advocate


Serves as a 7CSC representative for environmental justice initiatives on campus and in the San Diego community.

VACANT, Out-of-State Advocate

Represents the needs and interests of Out-of-State students in Seventh College.

VACANT, International Student Advocate

Represents the needs of Seventh College students who identify as international students.

Ryan Foley, Commuter Rep.


Serves as the 7CSC representative for the All Campus Commuter Board (ACCB).

Cody Kim, Student at Large


Represents Seventh College students within Seventh, and campus-wide.

Julie Dang, Transfer Rep.


Serving as the liaison between 7CSC and the ACTA and TAC while actively representing the interests of Seventh Students.

Mayani Bowens, Academic Affairs Rep.


Plays a vital role in ensuring that the academic goals and needs of the Seventh student body are actively facilitated and supported.

Via Orozco, Synthesis Program Rep.


Creates a direct line and voice for students to the inner workings of the program and its curriculum.

James Cantrell, First Year Rep.


Serves as the Seventh College representative to the campus-wide First Year Council.

Izzy Kikoshima, Second Year Rep.


Represent the needs of second-year Seventh College students.

Carson Wisener, Third Year Rep.


Represent the needs of third-year Seventh College students.

VACANT, Fourth Year Rep.

Represent the needs of fourth-year Seventh College students.

Yashil Vora, Student Organization Rep.


Serves as a liaison between 7CSC and Seventh student organizations and advises on applicable Council procedures.

Max Zou, Resident Assistant Liaison


Serves as a liaison between the Seventh College Residential Staff, including RAs, and the 7CSC. 

Jacqueline Chang, AS Senator


Attend AS council, senate, and committee meetings and 7CSC meetings. Represent Seventh College to A.S. and act as the liaison between A.S. and 7CSC.

Erika Yu, AS Senator


Attend AS council, senate, and committee meetings and 7CSC meetings. Represent Seventh College to A.S. and act as the liaison between A.S. and 7CSC.

Emily Castellanos, Civic Engagement Office Rep.


Educate students on voter rights and responsibilities, plan voter registration drives, and encourage civic engagement and civil discourse.

Ketan Jain, Student Fee Advisory Committee Rep.


Report to and inform the 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about proposed student fee uses, and advocates for the best interests of the university and students.

Nitin Pramnath, Student Fee Advisory Committee Shadow


Supports the SFAC Representative and acts in their absence as advocate for Seventh College student needs as they relate to evaluating Student Fee Funded Units. 

Venice Poggi, Student Health and Well-Being Rep.


Represent and actively advocate for Seventh College student needs regarding student health and well-being programs and initiatives.

Tiffany Le, Student Transportation Rep


Inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to construction, policy and infrastructure, shuttles, MTS, and related services.

Evan Yuan, HDH Rep.


Inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to dining halls, housing facilities, and related services offered by HDH.

Kaitlyn Lee, Basic Needs Rep.


Advertise programming and services that support the student body in their need for housing and food security by ensuring that available options are sustainable and affordable.

Dylan Schmidt, Recreation Facilities Rep.


Serving as liaison between 7CSC and Recreation Facilities Advisory Board (RFAB) to promote an active lifestyle and access to resources for Seventh students.

VACANT, University Center Advisory Board Rep.

Serves on the UCAB committee that addresses campus budget, space allocation, vendor selection, facilities planning, and more.
Events Board Members

Samantha Fernando


Samay Ramachhita


Saanvi Tiwari


Neve Bangalore


Jocelyn Fuentes


Judicial Board Members

Nidish Balakrishnan


Ani Astvasadoorian


Natalie Calagday



Spirit Board Members


Kayla Pinochet


Melanie Papadopoulos 


Abby Larsen


Sequoia Chamlee 



Joshua Brimmeier, Dean of Student Affairs


Carey Wallace, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs


Past Members


Executive Committee 

Shruti Bhamidipati: President

Han Mai: Vice President Internal

Umi Steinwachs: Vice President External

Jheel Gandhi: Secretary

Adam Cross: Treasurer

Christian Lopez: Parliamentarian 

Maya Chang: Director of Events

Amara Bhatia: Director of Spirit 

Alyson Otañez: Judicial Board Chair 

External Committee 

Aryan Dixit: AS Senator

Kevin Hovland: AS Senator

Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Representative (VACANT)

Erika Yu: Student Health and Well-Being Advisory Board Representative

Bardia Khosravi: Student Transportation Representative

Kera Finnigan: Civic Engagement Office Representative

Jianing Chen: University Center Advisory Board Representative

Will Lang: Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative

Arsheen Kaur: Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative Shadow

Jenny Chan: Basic Needs Representative

Recreation Facilities Representative (VACANT)

Jacqueline Chang: Academic Affairs Representative

Internal Committee 

Ian Fosth: Student at Large

Commuter at Large (VACANT)

Lavanya Arora: Synthesis Program Representative

Quinn Guzzy: Out-of-State Representative

Ketan Jain: International Student Representative

Cody Kim: Transfer Representative

Aryan Panchal: First Year Representative

Second Year Representative (VACANT)

Laurie Chang: Third Year Representative

Tiya Sharma: Fourth Year Representative

Yahsil Vora: Student Organization Representative

Giovanni Stagnaro: Resident Assistant Liaison

Ethan O'Keefe: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advocate

Mayani Bowens: Environmental Justice Advocate

Liana Valdez: Sustainability Advocate

Events Board

Air Kaplan

Andrew Vo

Samantha Fernando

Evan Yuan

Ryan Dagamac

Judicial Board

Ryan Lozano

Kimberly Luga

Lana Hilwani

Jhanavi Ravi 

Spirit Board

Aman Kunapareddy

Karina Oquendo

Sarah Li

Margaret Zhang


Executive Committee 

Ian Fosth: President

Umi Steinwachs: Vice President Internal

Esha Kaur: Vice President External

Alyson Otañez: Secretary

Adam Cross: Treasurer

Ethan Lau: Parliamentarian 

Han Mai: Director of Events

Maya Chang: Director of Spirit 

Samira Elasmar: Judicial Board Chair 

External Committee

Christian Lopez-Castro: Academic Affairs Representative

Alessia Welch: AS Senator

Ryan Foley: AS Senator

Hailley Alvarez: Basic Needs Representative

Kevin Hovland: Civic Engagement Office Representative

Adhithya Ananthan-Regina: Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Representative

Lara Leitz: Recreation Facilities Representative 

William Lang: Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative 

Bryan Salvador: Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative Shadow 

Student Health and Well-Being Advisory Board Representative (VACANT)

Raymond Wang: Student Transportation Representative 

Ben Lynch: University Center Advisory Board Representative 

Internal Committee

Andjela Gushiken: Commuter at Large 

Richey Li: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advocate

Kamran Ostrum: Environmental Justice Advocate 

Jheel Gandhi: First Year Representative 

Ketan Jain: International Student Representative 

Quinn Guzzy: Out-of-State Representative 

Giovanni Stagnaro: Resident Assistant Liaison 

Riti Wadhwa: Second Year Representative 

Shruti Bhamidipati: Student at Large 

Yashil Vora: Student Organization Representative

Sustainability Advocate (VACANT)

Quillian Yager: Synthesis Program Representative 

Aakash Bhegade: Third Year Representative 

Tiya Sharma: Transfer Representative

Events Board

Air Kaplan

Purich Viwatkurkurl

Andrew Vo

Karli Raven

Samantha Fernando

Judicial Board

Xavier Lopez

Aimee Zhang

Noah Kim

Jeremiah (Jay) Aquino

Spirit Board

Jessica Fung

Michelle Yu

Amara Bhatia

Karina Oquendo

Laurie Chang


Executive Committee 

Maya Philipp: President

Sahithy Yaramada: Vice President Internal

Natalie Osorio: Vice President External

Maria Charles: Secretary

Ryan Sassower: Treasurer

Amna Shafi: Parliamentarian 

Director of Events (VACANT)

Han Mai: Director of Spirit 

Samira Elasmar: Judicial Board Chair 

External Committee 

Ian Fosth: AS Senator

Esha Kaur: AS Senator

Ahnaf Abdullah:Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Representative

Student Health and Well-Being Advisory Board Representative (VACANT)

Akash Premkumar: Student Transportation Representative

Civic Engagement Office Representative (VACANT)

University Center Advisory Board Representative (VACANT)

Adam Cross: Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative

Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative Shadow (VACANT)

Basic Needs Representative (VACANT)

Recreation Facilities Representative (VACANT)

Jamie Hau-Riege: Academic Affairs Representative

Internal Committee 

Student at Large (VACANT)

Kaia To: Commuter at Large

Lara Leitz: Synthesis Program Representative

Alessia Welch: Out-of-State Representative

Qiyue (Charlotte) Dong: International Student Representative

Ryan Foley: First Year Representative

Student Organization Representative (VACANT)

Celeste Huggins: Resident Assistant Liaison

Anagha Pashilkar: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advocate

Rainbow Lins: Environmental Justice Advocate

Sustainability Advocate (VACANT)

Events Board

Nila Srinivas

Amaris Carrera

An (Andrew) Vo

Ahnaf Abdulla

Judicial Board

Pranav Kesani

Jamie Au

Yousif Razouki

Alyson Otañez

Spirit Board

Michelle Yu

Laurie Chang

Emily Marsh

Air Kaplan

Learn about our boards!

Events Board

The Events Board is responsible for the coordination of quarterly social, educational, and cultural events for Seventh College students. The Committee also assists with planning campus-wide events including Welcome Week and additional quarterly programs. Committee membership is open to all Seventh College students.

Spirit Board

The Spirit Board represents Seventh College in collaborative programming between the College and UC San Diego Athletics and Recreation, including the annual Spirit Night programs. The Committee also assists with planning Welcome Week and quarterly programs. Committee membership is open to all Seventh College students.

Judicial Board

The 7CSC Judicial Board oversees the constitutional operation of 7CSC. They conduct formal hearings regarding violations or questions of interpretation of the Constitution and supporting documents of the 7CSC and support the appeals process in the elections.